Donald Trump calls breast pumping lawyer Elizabeth Beck 'disgusting' Breastfeeding moms--the new bullied

Donald Trump gets a little touchy about nursing babies, it seems. He melted down on a breast pumping lawyer. Trump called the breast pumping lawyer Elizabeth Beck "disgusting" for needing a break to pump breast milk for her infant daughter, reported CNN July 29. Trump's lawyer accused Beck of making up the story. Trump bashed Beck, calling her a "vicious, horrible person" but he admitted to calling her disgusting. He claims he blew up because she was going to pump in front of him. Beck defended her version of Trump's breastfeeding rant, saying Trump's claims are "not true."  Donald Trump calls breast pumping lawyer Elizabeth Beck 'disgusting' - Grand Rapids News |

Subway drops frontman Jared Fogle over child pornography probe, FBI raid

Restaurant giant Subway dropped frontman Jared Fogle over child pornography probe, reported CNN July 9. Fogle, the voice of Subway, was investigated by authorities after an associate at The Jared Foundation--Fogle's non-profit was arrested for child porn. FBI agents raided Fogle's Zionsville, Indiana home. What they found wasn't made clear. But the investigation made Subway uncomfortable enough to cut ties with its biggest fan, despite the fact that Fogle hasn't been arrested.  Subway drops frontman Jared Fogle over child pornography probe, FBI raid - Grand Rapids News |

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