Fat Burners, Diet Supplements that Helped Me Lose Over 90 Pounds

Besides baby fat, I never had a weight problem. In early adulthood, I weighed 117 pounds at 5'4". Then health issues, two stillborn babies, depression and antidepressants made me put on 110 pounds. I have since taken off 90 pounds and dropped from size 18-20 to size 7. I used no drugs or surgery. I use several strategies including diet supplements. But wait, I said no drugs? Yes, supplements I use are natural, fruit-based, doctor-approved and available in grocery stores (no online-only or mail-order like some diet scams). Here's what I take.  Fat Burners, Diet Supplements that Helped Me Lose 85 Pounds

Diet Tip: Swap Panko Crumbs for Breading

I have just officially lost 90 pounds. I write a diet-tip-of-the-day and diet recipe of the day posts. My oldest daughter introduced me to a calorie-cutting tip: substitute Japanese panko crumbs for breading, coating or bread crumbs. Panko is toasted saltine or oyster crackers with a little seasoning. Panko has 100 calories per 1/2 cup serving to bread crumbs--130-140 calories for 1/4 cup. Make your own or buy--price isn't that much different with Walmart Panko crumbs. Diet Tip: Substitute Panko Crumbs for Breading
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